Adaptive Leadership in a Time of Uncertainty
We’re re-introducing our five-part series and want to begin by sharing the leadership qualities and strategies that we’ve been focusing on at Overlap since first transitioning to rapid remote work, and . Each post in the series elaborates on the qualities and strategies outlines below. Sign up for our newsletter to have trends, ideas & more delivered right to your inbox.
In the absence of an existing roadmap for Leadership Teams during a pandemic, we started by developing our own on the fly—continuously adapting and responding based on feedback from Overlappers. We recognize the natural reaction to throw the proverbial duvet over our heads, but know from years of doing the work that there is no time like the present to lean into the uncertainty and transform for the better.
Presence and Availability
True presence is meeting people where they are at. As we deal with change, we are oscillating between reacting, adapting, and growing. It’s important to be aware of where each employee is in this process and respond with empathy
Be more available than ever for updates, questions, or as a listening ear if staff need to share concerns
Meet up with your team using a video call to start the week and have daily check-ins too if possible
Keep asking the team for feedback, either verbally or in written form. How can we better support you?
Book virtual 1:1 coffee chats with each member of your team
Hold virtual ‘office hours’ for staff to touch base informally
Create an ‘ask me anything’ channel if you use Slack or Microsoft Teams
Clarity and Transparency
Two phrases we’ve borrowed and often quote are: “Clarity is kind” and “When people are left to guess, they often guess wrong”
Confidence in Leadership grows with clear, effective, and transparent communication. This helps to reduce fear and stress, which is particularly important at a time like this
3 Rs: Review, Repeat, Reinforce; consider building out your message using our 5 steps to intentional impact worksheet
Repeat information using different formats, including townhall meetings, daily team meetings, Slack
Bias Toward Action
Be proactive and do something, even if it’s not the right thing. We don’t need to be perfect right now, we just need to be good enough. Paralysis can actually be riskier than making mistakes
Action and risk-taking are an endorsement of hope and can allow for true development
Boldly lead the team by introducing lots of new stuff such as new virtual platforms, new types of services for clients, and new norms for communicating as a team
Reflect together with your team and capture learning. Adapt and iterate
Rooted in the Vision
Although some days it feels hard to imagine, remind the team that things will start to normalize. Initiate conversations about what we are learning and what we might like to incorporate into our future state
This time offers an opportunity to pause and think differently
If needed, re-set the organizational vision or amplify the current vision
Continue with strategic planning
Connect all conversations back to the vision
Be solutions-focused
Our people are our greatest asset. Maintaining healthy teams in this time of uncertainty starts with empathy. It requires Leadership Teams to consider the qualities of presence, availability, clarity and transparency. Most of all, leaders need to be there for their teams and have a bias toward action while staying rooted in the bigger vision they are trying to achieve.
What strategies is leadership at your organization taking during this time?
Let us know by emailing