Why Overlap Offers Employees Balance Days

A Balance Day is paid time off in addition to anyone’s current allotted vacation days.

Overlap contributes to healthy, fulfilling lives beyond work by providing staff with additional paid balance days off per year.

It’s important to recognize that there are certain days or certain times of the year that are busy. Balance Days are a way to acknowledge the dedication of all staff through these periods.

Overlap has worked tirelessly to build and maintain an intentional company culture. Our foundations guide how we work as an organization.

Overlap is founded on:

  • A Culture of Innovation

  • Context-Sensitivity

  • Impartiality

  • Ambition

  • Idealism

  • Trust

  • Great Teams, and

  • Balance

We value Going-All-In, but not to the detriment of Balance. This is company-wide and deeply instilled in everything we do.

Every employee has a life beyond Overlap, and that’s important. We don’t want our organization to be a place where people work themselves to death or, more literally, work themselves into imbalance, stress, and reduced work quality. 

We work hard, but then we go home to enjoy other aspects of our lives. A sixty-hour workweek is nothing to brag about, and neither are all-nighters. Sleep-deprived people won’t perform as well, and any lack of focus hinders our ability to communicate effectively within our teams and with our customers.

“Balance Days were new to me when I joined Overlap, but for a team that’s often required to go-all-in, the benefits were visible immediately. I am delighted to be part of an organization where leadership is actively seeking out ways to improve balance and to live out the company’s values!”    

– Rachel Hofstetter, Vice President, People & Systems

Our balance days are often paired with a statutory holiday, which creates extra long weekends. Employees appreciate this, and so do leadership.

For the 2018 calendar year, Overlap offered staff six additional paid days off.

Half Days indicate the afternoon off.

Balance days don’t replace regular overtime policies—those still apply. They are our way of instilling a culture of Balance across our team.

Additionally, we offer employees Personal Days that can be used beyond vacation. These days support wellness and a culture of honesty within our organization and ensure employees are taking care of all aspects of themselves.

We want the entire Overlap team, from intern to executive, to enjoy life outside of work. That’s what inspires creativity, diversifies our team, and makes Overlappers who they are.


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